2024-25 Student Activity Handbook
Activities Code Of Conduct
The information in this document is a code of conduct and is in effect for the entire school year and all
subsequent high school years, to include fall athletic practice in August and any school sponsored events, regardless of the time of year.
This handbook is intended to familiarize athletes and parents with the general objectives of our athletic programs and to inform them of the expectations and rules they are expected to adhere to.
It is our goal at Whitehall Schools to develop and maintain a culture in which our students consistently make appropriate lifestyle choices in regard to their own health and well-being. The Whitehall Schools believes that participation in extra-curricular and co-curricular activities in a safe learning environment contributes to the all-around development of young men and women and helps prepare them for life beyond high school. The Whitehall Schools activity programs are dedicated to providing programs of excellence which include competitive and enjoyable experiences for the students, student-participants, coaches, advisors, faculty, parents, fans, and community. In doing so, we hold high expectations for all in the areas of character, citizenship, scholarship, and leadership as we strive to be competitive, develop skills, make healthy decisions, and act as ambassadors of the Whitehall Schools and Whitehall community. By committing to a team or activity, students choose to conduct themselves as models of good and moral behavior.
Responsibilities of Student-Participants
- Responsibility to Self - Develop strength of character through participation in school activities and healthy lifestyle choices.
- Responsibility to Academic Studies - Engaging and participating in academic studies prepares student-participants for life as an adult. Student-participants are students first. Students will strive to meet all academic standards as established in this code and by their teachers.
- Responsibility to School - Student‐participants participate, to the best of their abilities in every practice, competition, and other activities in which they are engaged. Student-participants follow all District, school and classroom policies as written in handbooks and classroom syllabi. Student participants will be sincere and honest when asked to participate in any investigation arising under the Code of Conduct.
- Responsibility to Family - Student-participants who know in their heart that they have lived up to all the training rules, have practiced every day to the best of their ability, have played the game all out and have displayed good sportsmanship, foster self‐respect and the pride of their families, win or lose.
- Responsibility to Community - Student‐participants demonstrate class and sportsmanship, not for the fact that they win, but rather that they are known as participants who show character and excellence. Student-participants meet all MHSA rules and regulations regarding participation in High School Activities.
- Responsibility to Younger Athletes - Student-participants are role models for all youth throughout the community.
- Responsibility to Teammates - Student‐participants realize that their choices have an impact on those around them. Student‐participants will follow all of their coaches’ and sponsors’ rules for the sport or activity.
Athletic and Activity Offerings
Whitehall High School offers numerous athletic and extracurricular activities. Whitehall High School’s athletics are governed by Montana High School Association (MHSA). WHS/WMS Athletics and Activities include: Football, Volleyball, Cross Country, Drama, Cheerleading, Band, Choir, Basketball, Wrestling, Speech and Debate, Golf, and Track and Field.
Pre-Season Responsibilities
Students wishing to compete in an organized activity are encouraged to attend the preseason meeting prior to the start of the season. Coaches will be available at these meetings and will have expectations for participating in their activities. Activity fees may be paid at these meetings, and physical/insurance forms and contracts will also be available as well.
In order for a student to be eligible for participation in a school athletic activity (practice or competition), the following must be completed and on file with the Athletic Director. It is the responsibility of the student and parent/guardian to supply all information and signatures.
- MHSA Physical Form – signed by doctor, parent, and student.
- Medical Insurance – through family medical coverage or purchase of insurance available through the District. Forms available in school offices.
- Emergency Contact Information Form
- Risk Disclosure Form
- Code of Conduct Agreement
- Student Athlete and Parent/Guardian Concussion Statement
- Receipt of Participation Fee – students in athletics and activities are required to pay to participate. This fee includes the purchase of an activity card which admits the students to regular high school football, basketball, volleyball, wrestling, tennis track events and to Whitehall High School drama events. Activity passes will allow students to enter all home athletic events. Family passes are also available to purchase.
- Athletic Fees are $100 per single student per season.
In activities that use tryouts for participant selection, the coach or sponsor of that activity shall establish the criteria on which selection will be based. Tryout evaluations resulting in cuts should be made by more than one coach/sponsor whenever possible. The coaches/sponsors should be able to objectively explain the reason(s) for each student “cut”. Selection criteria should be as objective as possible and a list of the criteria should be given to the Activities Director prior to the tryouts.
Academic Eligibility Regulations
We believe all extra-curricular activities, wherein the students will represent the Whitehall Schools, either away from home or at local programs, are vital contributions to a well-rounded educational program. However, in order to achieve necessary participation standards, the following academic eligibility regulations regarding extra-curricular activities in Whitehall Schools will apply:
- Students must be receiving a 60% or above in all classes.
- Eligibility will be determined on Monday morning when weekly grades are inspected for each student-athlete/participant.
- Teachers are not expected to input grades over the weekend or Monday morning.
- If it is discovered that a student is failing a subject, the principal, athletic director, and coach for that student will be notified on Monday morning.
- The first time a student-athlete/participant is discovered to be below a 60% in any class, the student will have a one-week probationary period to bring all grades to passing (60% or above).
- If after one week the student is still failing, they will serve a one-week suspension from any activity or game. The student/athlete is expected to participate in all scheduled practices and be in attendance (on the bench) at home games.
- If at any time during the season a student receives three consecutive one-week suspensions, the student will automatically be ineligible to practice or participate for the remainder of the season.
Pre-Season Academic Requirements
Pre-Season eligibility is separate from in-season eligibility. Whitehall Schools will utilize MHSA Eligibility policies to determine if a student is eligible academically at the start of a particular activity season. It reads as follows:
- To be eligible to participate in an Association Contest, a student shall meet all of the following criteria:
- A student must be enrolled in twenty hours per week and in regular attendance in ten hours per week at the school where the student participates.
- Regular attendance is defined as actual physical presence in the building (bricks and mortar). o Exception: students who are enrolled and participating in a transformational learning program in their school that meets a district’s proficiency-based learning requirements pursuant to the adopted policies of the local school board is exempt from the ten hours per week bricks and mortar requirement.
- Exception: Non-public or home school students who meet the requirements of 20-5-109 can participate in MHSA member school extra-curricular activities with the following stipulations:
- 1) The same standards for participation must be met as those required of full-time students enrolled in the school (besides enrollment)
- 2) The same rules of the MHSA apply including age, semesters and academics (see #3).
- 3) The academic eligibility for extracurricular participation for a student attending a nonpublic school must be attested by the head administrator of the nonpublic school. The academic eligibility for extracurricular participation for students attending a home school must be attested in writing by the educator providing the student instruction with verification by the MHSA school principal.
- Academic eligibility includes provisions 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4.
- 4) The student may only participate in the school in the student’s attendance area and cannot transfer.
Residence and Age Eligibility Requirements
MHSA has established the residency and requirements for students to be eligible to participate in athletic activities under its governance. See the principal or Athletic Director for a full copy of MHSA regulations.
Start Date Cut-Off
To protect the integrity of extracurricular programs, a cut-off date is imposed. This date is two (2) consecutive weeks after the first practice for winter and spring sports and two (2) consecutive weeks after the first day of school for fall sports. The cut-off rule does not apply to transfer students, and special circumstances such as injuries will be considered on a case by case basis.
Games/Practice Attendance Expectation
- Attendance for games and practices is required. Each individual head coach will establish a team policy with consequences for missed practices or games. Continued absenteeism will result in dismissal from the team.
- Before students may compete, he or she must participate in a minimum number of practices set forth by MHSA. Football athletes must participate in 10 practices on 10 sperate days prior to competition. Cross Country, Volleyball, Basketball, Cheer, and Track athletes must participate in 8 practices on 8 separate days before competition. Golf athletes must participate in two practices prior to competition.
- Coaches reserve the right to extend the number of required practices beyond the minimum MHSA requirements should they choose to do so.
- Practices over breaks are at the discretion of the head coach, and must follow school policy and MHSA guidelines. Students that plan on missing practice must arrange it with their coach prior to the day of practice. Playing time may be affected.
- Practices are defined as follows: a potential player(s) reporting to the practice field or court, with or without uniforms, under the supervision of a sport-specific school-approved coach, and receiving coaching in game skills and techniques.
School Attendance Requirements
- Game Participation: In order to be able to participate in extracurricular or co-curricular activities students must attend every period of school the day of the activity. o Exception: (doctor’s notes dated the day of absence will be accepted as an excuse if a student misses 3 or less periods for an appointment).
- For weekend or holiday events, or for events which occur on the day following a non-scheduled school day, and departure for this event is at or before the start of the scheduled school day students must attend every period of school on the last possible day before the activity. Administration reserves the right to make exceptions for circumstances and situations that are out of the student’s control.
- Students who violate school rules and receive OSS will not be allowed to participate on the day/s of suspension.
- School days missed due to OSS will be treated as an absence and subject to the stipulations listed above for game participation.
- Practice Participation: To participate in practice, students must attend 3 periods of school that same day.
- Students who violate school rules and receive OSS will not be allowed to practice on the day/s of suspension. Coaches are required to create guidelines explaining how practice time will affect playing time. Chronic absenteeism or tardiness can result in suspension or removal from competition or the team by administration.
The Whitehall School District has adopted School Board Policy 3110 regarding concussion management. A copy may be obtained at the high school office. Additional information from MHSA can be found in Appendix D.
All letters and awards are subject to the final approval of the varsity coach and athletic director. In addition, letters may be awarded to members who have not met the stated qualifications due to various reasons such as injuries, etc., at the discretion of the coach and athletic director. Because coaches use letters to build programs, each activity must possess certain lettering criterion that is pertinent to that activity. Each individual coach has their own model of what a letter in their sport will look like. This model will be discussed with participants at the beginning of the season. Even though coaches set their own standards, there are some universal standards to be followed in each program. These include the following:
- Participant must follow and obey all training/conduct rules set forth by the coach and administration.
- Participant must complete the season in which participating.
- Participant must participate at the varsity level.
All students must travel on the team bus to the event. In rare, unavoidable circumstance, a parent/legal guardian may request to transport their athlete to an event. Permission to do so must be granted by a school administrator prior to the day of the event.
All students are expected return on the team bus. Parents may sign their child off of the bus if they are there in person to do so in writing. Parents may not sign a child off of the activity bus if they are not physically present unless prior written arrangements have been made by the parent and have administrative approval.
Student behavior during all phases of any trip, including on the bus, at the competition, in restaurants, and in motels, is subject to school policy and the Code of Conduct.
In addition to any requirements by individual coaches/advisors, students are expected to dress neatly and cleanly when traveling for a school activity.
The following general guidelines will be used for travel:
- All team members must be aware that they are representing the school in motels and restaurants.
- Any damage done will be paid for by the student(s) involved and those students will be subject to the activities and district discipline procedure.
- Students will be supervised by coaches/advisors from the time of departure from the school until the time of return. This includes in motels, restaurants, etc. Motel rooms will be inspected by coaches/advisors at check-in and checkout.
Meals while traveling:
- On trips of more than 100 miles or a trip which requires athletes to be gone for a length of time which spans the mid-day AND evening meal, the school will provide a per diem of $5 for breakfast, $10 for lunch, and $12 for dinner.
- Students who exceed the meal per diem (allowance) are expected to pay the overage at the time of service.
- School auditors do not allow for gratuity to be included as a school meal expense. Therefore, all student-participants are expected to bring a dollar to contribute as a tip for meals served at restaurants.
Sportsmanship is the ability to win and lose gracefully. The following are guidelines regarding sportsmanship and expected behaviors at school events:
- Only positive spirit signs and cheers are allowed. There will be no hand-held signs or disrespectful cheers or chants which are or could be perceived as negative to any player, coach, official, halftime performers or fan (home or opposing).
- It is expected that all will stand, remove hats, and remain respectfully silent for the national anthem.
- Students must be fully clothed. Body painting is not a substitute for clothing. Clothing is to be appropriate for a school event; wearing school colors is encouraged.
- Derogatory cheers, heckling or negative signs or comments to referees, players, coaches, halftime performers or opposing fans are not acceptable and will not be tolerated.
- Disrespectful behavior of any kind will not be tolerated.
- Oversized school flags are allowed at outdoor events only and must be waved in front of the home fans, never in front of the opponent’s fans.
- The use of bells, air horns, whistles, wooden blocks and other noise makers during indoor Association contests is prohibited. At outdoor contests the use of electronic and air-amplified devices, including vuvuzelas, by spectators is prohibited.
Failure to comply with these Sportsmanship Guidelines may result in disciplinary action to include being asked to leave the premises, loss of privileges to attend activities, legal consequences, school discipline to include detention or suspension, forfeiture of activity ticket or any combination thereof.
The Whitehall School District offers a variety of voluntary activities designed to enhance the classroom education of its students. Students who participate in extracurricular activities serve as ambassadors of the school district throughout the calendar year, whether away from or at school.
Students who wish to exercise this privilege of participating in extracurricular activities must conduct themselves in accordance with the board policy and must refrain from activities that are illegal, immoral, unhealthy, or highly inappropriate. Participation in these activities is a privilege, conditioned upon meeting the eligibility criteria established by the Board of Trustees, administration, and individual activity coaches and sponsors.
A student who participates in extracurricular activities and violates this Citizenship Policy will be subject to disciplinary action, including but not limited to suspension or complete exclusion from participating in any extracurricular activity. The Activities Director shall keep records of violations of the Citizenship Policy.
Set forth below are the rules by which Whitehall Students must conduct themselves as well as the disciplinary procedures.
A student who transfers from another district will maintain his/her cumulative offense status regarding the alcohol and drug policy.
This policy shall be enforced during the school year when a student (regardless of age) is enrolled in the Whitehall School District for school-sponsored activities, including summer activities.
Drugs, Tobacco and Alcohol Use by Student
Any student involved in an extracurricular activity shall not knowingly purchase, possess, use, transmit, or be under the influence of alcohol, tobacco, performance enhancing drugs, or controlled substances of any kind during a school year, regardless of the student’s age. Failure to comply with this rule is a violation of this policy and subject to discipline. A student who finds himself or herself in jeopardy because of a substance abuse problem will be referred for professional assistance at family expense.
- First Violation: If a student is found to have a first violation after an investigation, the student shall lose eligibility for the next three (3) consecutive weeks, excluding practices, which are scheduled in any of the student’s particular extracurricular activities. The student is not eligible for special awards such as lettering.
- Second Violation: If a student is found to have a second violation after an investigation, the student shall be completely excluded from any further participation in any and all extracurricular activities for the remainder of the year. The year begins on the day of the first confirmed violation and continues for 365 days thereafter.
Harassment, Hazing, Bullying
“Harassment” means an incident or incidents of verbal, written, visual, or physical conduct, including any incident conducted by electronic means, based on or motivated by a student’s or a student’s family member’s actual or perceived race, creed, color, national origin, marital status, disability, sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity, that has the purpose or effect of objectively and substantially undermining and detracting from or interfering with a student’s educational performance or access to school resources or creating an objectively intimidating hostile, or offensive environment.
Harassment includes conduct as defined above and may also constitute one or more of the following: (1) Sexual harassment, which means unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature, that includes sexual violence/sexual assault, sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, written, visual or physical conduct of a sexual nature, and includes situations when one or both of the following occur: (i) Submission to that conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of a student’s education, academic status, or progress; or (ii) Submission to or rejection of such conduct by a student is used as a component of the basis for decisions affecting that student. Sexual harassment may also include student-on-student conduct or conduct of a nonemployee third party that creates a hostile environment. A hostile environment exists where the harassing conduct is severe, persistent or pervasive so as to deny or limit the student’s the use of epithets, stereotypes, slurs, comments, insults, derogatory remarks, gestures, threats, graffiti, display, or circulation of written or visual material, taunts on manner of speech, and negative references to customs related to any of these protected categories.
“Hazing” means any intentional, knowing or reckless act committed by a student, whether individually or in concert with others, against another student (1) Which is intended to have the effect of, or should reasonably be expected to have the effect of, endangering the mental or physical health of the student.
“Bullying” means any overt act or combination of acts, including an act conducted by electronic means, directed against a student by another student or group of students and which: (a). Is repeated over time; (b). Is intended to ridicule, humiliate, or intimidate the student; and (c). (i) occurs during the school day on school property, on a school bus, or at a school-sponsored activity, or (ii) does not occur during the school day on school property, on a school bus or at a school sponsored activity and can be shown to pose a clear and substantial interference with another student’s right to access educational programs.
- First Violation: Depending on the severity of the transgression, the administration will assign disciplinary consequences up to and including dismissal from the team per the administration’s discretion. Subsequent violations will result in further disciplinary consequences and likely include dismissal from the team.
Illegal Acts
Any student who participates in extracurricular activities and engages in inappropriate or offensive conduct or any act that would be grounds for arrest or citation in the criminal or juvenile court system, excluding minor traffic offenses, regardless of whether the student was cited, arrested, convicted, or adjudicated for the act(s), will be in violation of this Citizenship Policy.
- First Violation: Depending on the severity of the transgression, the administration will assign disciplinary consequences up to and including dismissal from the team per the administration’s discretion. Subsequent violations will result in further disciplinary consequences and likely include dismissal from the team.
Cell Phone Use
Cellphone use is strictly prohibited in any locker room (home or away) for any purpose. Athletes may have a cellphone on away trips, but each coach reserves the right to collect phones from all players while on the bus. Athletes will be given access to their phones with the coach’s permission to phone family members.
- First Violation: Depending on the severity of the transgression, the administration will assign disciplinary consequences up to and including dismissal from the team per the administration’s discretion. Subsequent violations will result in further disciplinary consequences and likely include dismissal from the team.
Locker Room and Property Expectations
Athletes are provided with locker rooms in which they may change into and out of practice and/or gear. Athletes are expected to use the locker room in a safe manner and for the express purpose of changing into and out of practice and/or game gear. Destruction of property or theft within the locker room (home or away) will not be tolerated.
- First Violation: Depending on the severity of the transgression, the administration will assign disciplinary consequences up to and including dismissal from the team per the administration’s discretion. Subsequent violations will result in further disciplinary consequences and likely include dismissal from the team.
Due Process and Appeals
Due process shall be given to all students with regard to administration of the Activities Code of Conduct.
Before a consequence may be assigned to a student in accordance with the Activities Code of Conduct, the incident must be investigated by an administrator. The investigation must include a statement and/or interview with the student. After an investigation into the student’s conduct, the administrator must communicate to the parents the findings of the investigation as well as a detailed explanation of any applicable disciplinary actions.
Exclusion from an Activity:
Before a student may be completely excluded from participation in extracurricular activities under the Activities Code of Conduct, the incident or infraction triggering the recommendation must be investigated. After an investigation into the student’s conduct, the administrator must send a written notice to the parents regarding the recommendation to completely exclude the student from participating in extracurricular activities, the specific charges against the student, a description of the rule or regulation broken, the date, time, and location of the board hearing, a copy of the Board’s procedure, and a description of the student’s and parents’ rights at the hearing. At the hearing, the Board shall then make a determination that the student was involved in the incident or infraction.
Any appeals of lesser consequences (not including Exclusion) shall be made in writing to the high school administration. If a student has been completely excluded from activities due to a Code of Conduct violation after a hearing before the Board of Trustees, he or she may appeal to the Superintendent for re-enrollment in school activities.